All in Toolkit

Cycling Bellevue to Bear Lake, Idaho: Lava Landscapes and Bubbling Springs

We’ve left the northern Rocky Mountains behind, and entered a parched land dominated by the spirits of ancient volcanos. While we’re no longer climbing over big mountain passes, every cycling day brings new challenges. Baking sun, shorter-but-steeper hills, scarce water, and difficult road surfaces all add to the sense of wildness and adventure. But then you come upon a town with bubbling, carbonated springs, or a massive freshwater lake that seem like mirages in this arid land.

Changing Gear from Bike Touring to Bikepacking

The Western Wildlands Bikepacking Route will have us cycling off-pavement for over 2,250 miles (80% of the route). All that dirt has us re-thinking our bike touring gear list. The biggest change will be to the bicycles themselves, but we’ve also overhauled our bags, toolkit, and sleeping gear. We hope the changes will ensure we’re ready to tackle an extended, backcountry cycling trip.